Life: Plus Size Edition - The Pages

Brooklyn Girls

Brooklyn Girls - Gemma Burgess I gave it a fair chance but after 100 pages I had had enough.I had high hopes for this book. I mean come on a group of 20-something girls living in Brooklyn who wouldn't want to read that. Plus I'm usually a sucker for the whole "friends in the big city" type books. However, this book was just so frustrating or me. No matter how hard I tried, I could not get into the characters' stories. Probably because the story would jump around a lot and just the execution of the writing was lacking for me.


Attachments - Rainbow Rowell I'm a pile of mush right now...seriously everyone needs to read this book. Full review to come:)
A Very Hexy Valentine's Day - Rachel Hawkins Very Cute :)

Spell Bound (Hex Hall)

Spell Bound - Rachel Hawkins So many feels! Perfect ending to such a wonderful series :)

Demonglass: A Hex Hall Novel

Demonglass - Rachel Hawkins Sis boom bah baby! This series is amazing.

Hex Hall

Hex Hall - Rachel Hawkins Love, love, love this book!

Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice - Jane Austen There is a reason why this story has been around for 200 years and I am most certain that it will be around at least 200 more.

Miss Dreamsville and the Collier County Women's Literary Society

Miss Dreamsville and the Collier County Women's Literary Society - Amy Hill Hearth 3.5 / 5 StarsReview to come

Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants (Book 1)

The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants  - Ann Brashares This was actually a reread for me...I missed these girls so much! Can't wait to catch up with them now that I have all the books in the series.

Currently reading

Pride and Prejudice
Jane Austen
You Knew Me When
Emily Liebert